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May 10, 2011

Have you seen Nerd Boyfriend?

The best part of blogs and really the ultimate reason why I know I read blogs, is for the crazy and wonderful new things other people have stumbled across and have been ever so kind as to share with the cyber world. Isn't it just great?  All these new unheard of bands that are struggling to get their sound out or perhaps a designer on the other side of the world that otherwise you might never have heard of.  It just warms my heart.  Today whilst perusing my backlog of must read blogs (thanks RAFW) I came across this pretty awesome website, Nerd Boyfriend, thanks to the cute and quirky craft blog Candy Castle by Sydney artist Kitiya Palaskas.  Nerd Boyfriend is a fashion blog like no other.  The author Roxana Altamirano, carefully chooses celebrities, more specifically male celebrities who have unequivocal style and recreates their ensemble.  Most of these men are iconic for their talents but this little doosey of a blog highlights and emulates their wicked bad style.  Enough said.  Have a look!

Truman Capote

Richard Ayoade

Charlie Chapman

Glenn Gould


  1. It's so amazing isn't it!! I want to marry ALL OF THEM. Thanks for the mention. xx

  2. Oh I know! I was so excited when I found it on your blog (which I love by the way!). I just love things like this and yes I was sighing over almost every image!


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