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May 29, 2010

Chalk+Cheese, Chalk+Cheese!

Here is a first look at our newest range due to be released at the upcoming Finders Keepers Market in Brisbane this June! Aptley titled 'Chalk+Cheese', we got all inspired and what not, by the very differences that make us Sanoii+Six! We decided to design half the range each and come together with pieces that were entirely different, yet echoed our S+S aesthetic. We were surprised and relieved to find that we are so very much in sync (and not the 'Bye, Bye, Bye' kind of way) and attuned to the S+S peace of mind. We are so so so excited about all our new fabrics. Expect to see lots of shades of blues, random dashes of crazy hues, tentacles and some weird perforated twill that we are just salivating over! This is our favourite range so far and we hope you kids like it as much as we do...

This is just a teaser too, theres plenty more where these bad boys came from!

A big thankyou again and again, a thousand times over, to the so very talented and ever so humble Emma and to the most beautiful and fun loving models two girls with crazy clothes could ask for Jess, Sarah and Kris!

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