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May 11, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine - Tuesday is Giveaway day!

To celebrate our Online Boutique's inception 2 months ago we are giving away some rad little gifts. We thought we would jump on the 'online-social-networking-bandwagon' and give you kids some goodies! Yes thats right goodies, free money, and a surprise little somthin', somthin' which we will announce closer to the draw date.  There are three ways to enter the draw to win one of two Gift Certificates to the value of $50 and $30 respectively to spend in our delightful boutique, simply:

1) Add us on Facebook. 

2) Suggest us to your many many Facebook friends. And leave us a comment to let us know. 

3) And because we know not everyone is keen to spend hours trawling other people on Facebook and therefore do not have a Facebook profile, simply subscribe to our mailing list by emailing us at

Easy like Sunday morning my dears!

We will announce the lucky winners, (yes WINNERS, plural!) on Tuesday 1st June!

And to entice you that little bit more, our new range 'Chalk+Cheese' will be released in June!

Happy Tuesdaying!

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