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May 18, 2010

Goodmorning Tuesday - Narwhals are cool.

Narwhals are great.

We like to think that a whale and a unicorn got together to create this magical creature.

Here at S+S HQ we currently have a fascination with all things belonging to the deep blue. Six normally a fan of the bison family is loving these cute narwhals and I myself am more of a llama or alpaca supporter and yet I can't go past squids and jellyfish. Its not helping that our upcoming range we are working on has absolutely nothing to do with the sea and its many inhabitants. Just a little insight into our days....

'Chalk + Cheese' will be out in June.

Happy Tuesdaying!

Images via here.


  1. this is adorable! i just found you on weheartit, and boy do you have buckets of talent - i just looked at your store and your stuff is just great!

  2. Oh thankyou thankyou thankyou!
    You sure know how to make two girls blush.


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