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June 6, 2010

The Ballerina Project.

Whilst trawling, on this rainy Sunday afternoon I came across some amazing photos on this lovely blog here. As a child I was never fond of 'dancing.' All my friends around me went to dance classes, but I was most content doing other things. So I was surprised when I came across these images that I loved them so much. I think it's because there is something magical about ballerinas. How they can twist and turn so delicately just blows my mind, you see I'm as unco-ordinated as they come!

Below is just a sample of the amazing images that make up The Ballerina Project. To see more or to find out more information you can check them out here. 
"The Ballerina Project grew from the idea of New York City as a magnet for creativity; each photograph is a collaborative work of dance, fashion design and photography played out against the city's landscape."

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