Ten days and counting kids and boy have we been busy. An impromptu photo shoot last week (with the always lovely Brendan who has a rad blog here), countless minutes, hours and days of cutting and sewing and cups of tea, buying zips, button and all kinds of notions and tidbits, not to mention planning our much anticipated road trip to the sunshine state! The Finders Keepers Brisbane is just around the corner. We will be bringing our fun and craziness to Bris-vegas next weekend on the 26th and 27th June, located at the Old Museum in Bowen Hills.
We always look forward to market days, we get incredibly excited, overwhelmed and stressed, but when it comes to the crunch we love nothing more than talking with all you lovelies!
Just a sneak peek of the UH-MAZING shots Brendan took for us last week, more up soon spoon!
AMAZING! Can't wait to see you both at the markets...BUT HOW DO I CHOOSE BETWEEN ALL YOUR LOVELY CLOTHES!