Sanoii + Six has moved!

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July 12, 2010

Don't fret, we're on our way!

So of late we have been lagging. Not for a lack of motivation though my dears, behind the scenes we have been run off our feet trying to get all our tidbits organised to put the new range 'Chalk + Cheese' up in store. We had anticipated to have everything up and available last week, however due to unforeseen circumstances and hopefully a very positive outcome (which we will let you kids in on, in the coming weeks) to said circumstances, we were unable. So this week pretties, this week is the ticket! However, we just wanted to apologise if you've been aimlessly trawling for our lovely new wares and we do promise to update both our blog and our mailing list as soon as everything is up and ready and looking perfect!

Also if you would like to be updated first via our mailing list, please email us at!

Happy Monday!


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