The COFA Awfully Nice Market is back again with a new name and new location. Formally known as the COFA Spring Fair, this delightful event will showcase some pretty handmade art, designs and craft - oh and us! HOORAY!
On Saturday 4th September we'll be setting up camp from 10am so come for a look, a shop, a prattle or perhaps even a skulk. Located at the transport friendly University of NSW main campus at Kensington we'll be there all day, so crack open that piggy bank and don't forget to bring your smiles!
Last year was so much fun and this year we hope to be bigger and better than ever! We are planning a few surprises and crossing all fingers, toes and phantom limbs that the weather is a perfect spring day, so pencil it in your diaries and we hope to see you all there.
Image courtesy of weheartit
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