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August 6, 2010



Aren't the weeks just speeding by? Already it is August and whilst it is still icy here in the southern hemisphere we can see signs of spring all about the place. It's brilliant, slowly colours are appearing everywhere, the days are longer and the general vibe among almost everyone is getting much cheerier.

We are amidst our S/S range development and unfortunately we should be much further along then what we actually are. It's rather unsettling when you think we have Drop 2 for 'Chalk + Cheese' due out next month and also the COFA Awfully Nice Market creeping up on us on September 4th in Sydney. But never fear lovelies we are the masters of chaos and thrive under intense pressure. So we promise to deliver everything on time as planned. 

In case you've missed the references to "drops" in our blogs, we are very ambitious girls and when planning for our spring/summer range our ideas can sometimes become out of control. We always want to make so many pieces, swimwear and clothing and everything in between and it just becomes too much to handle. To combat this, we decided this season to release our S/S range in three drops. The first was launched at the Brisbane Finders Keepers in June and was our first complete clothing range. The second drop is due out in September and is entirely made up of bathers and finally the third which is due out in December is a mixed bag of sorts, and will probably include everything we need/want for summer! Hopefully we can fit everything in!

Finally we aren't the type of girls to toot our own horn or give away too much. But with all the excitement (mainly ours) over Drop 2, we thought we would give you kids a sneak peak at what we have planned.


All images sourced via weheartit

Oh and don't forget is up and running!

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