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September 13, 2010

Style Collective's Indie Fashion Fortnight.

It's always fun to google yourself.  Don't pretend you haven't, we all have at some stage. On this fine Monday morning instead of range developing and preparing for our fabric shopping spree on Wednesday, Six and I are glued to our laptops catching up on blogs and what not when Six stumbled across this lovely little blog on the Style Collective website. We must admit we are new to the Style Collective, but on first glance we are hooked.
'Each month Style Collective brings you the inside scoop on fashion and design, fabulous product reviews, hot online sales and monthly competitions. Style Collective also proudly supports emerging designers, and unearths hard to find labels that are new to the Australian market.' 
They have divided their site into four style communities - Urban Style, Junior Style, Bridal Style and Urban Living which makes everything so accessible and easy to find! Each fortnight they have a lovely little blog about their latest Indie Fashion finds and we were lucky enough to snag a spot in this fortnights Top 10 countdown. A very big thank you to Angela from Leeloo fame for her delightful words. Have a read here! 
Also dear friends Ginny & Jude feature.

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