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June 30, 2010

The Finders Keepers Brisbane was a hoot!

After 2 very, very intense weeks of madness, 18 hour sewing days, rampant dashes to spotlight, copious amounts of sugar and sewing thread E V E R Y W H E R E, we finally hopped on the road up the coast for what we had planned to be a very cruisey market weekend. With the car packed to the brim we arrived safe on the Gold Coast, to warm beds and cups of tea. After a much needed nights rest we were up at dawn on Friday to put the finishing touches on our range. After another long day of hem sewing, hand sewing, printing and putting Six's family to work we went to bed nervous and anxious as to what the weekend would bring.  Saturday bought with it our mad tetris method to pack the car and not crush the clothes whilst doing so, finding the Old Museum and finding something presentable to wear. Our weeks of frantic sewing had been productive, however, finding time to sew ourselves some sweet threads from the new range had eluded us. So early Saturday morning was designated to teaming sample pieces with vintage items we just happened to have with us. The next two days were mental. Yes thats right mental! Forgotten hangers, thousands upon thousands of people, lovely stall neighbours, yummy lunches, sneaky purchases and loads of fun! We were so fortunate to meet so many lovely and friendly people and we are incredibly flattered by the response we received. Many of you missed out on some of our sold out pieces, which we hope to remake and have up in the store very soon.

Thank you to everyone who came out and said hello, we hope to be up in Brisbane in the near future.

For those of you that missed out on the madness that was Finders Keepers Brisbane here's a few pics before the craziness hit.

Post pressing, hanging safely in the wardrobe.

The calm before the storm.

Chalk+Cheese YEH!

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