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June 30, 2010

Losers aren't weepers ONLINE SALE!

Hello Lovelies,

We know everyone couldn't pop in for a spot of shopping this past weekend at the Brisbane Finders Keepers, so we know that not everyone got a chance to check out our delightful new range 'Chalk+Cheese'. To be fair 'Chalk+Cheese' will be available online very soon, alas we need to make room for it and FAST! 

For 3 DAYS ONLY we are offering 30% off everything at our ONLINE BOUTIQUE. Starting tonight at 6pm, the SALE is available to everyone with a computer and fingers and will end Saturday 3rd July at 6pm.

Hurry in fast as once its gone, its GONE!

* Please choose carefully as there is no return, exchange or refund on any of the sale items.
*30% off does not include postage.

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