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July 2, 2010

Oh yeh! Its Friday!!!

Three quick things to blog about today:

1. The lovely kids at Frankie have been so kind enough to mention a few words about us on their delighful website. Have a little looksie here:)

2. Our sale is still rampant and full of wonderous things, however there is only a little over a day left to enjoy some bargains. So get in quick before all our pretty wares fly out the door!

3. Desert boots. We can't get enough of them. Six and I were so smitten with some maroon ones we decided to buy a pair each and might even make them the official S+S uniform!

Happy Fridaying!



  1. love your designs and love the desert boots...where did you get them from? :)

  2. Hiiiii,

    We are so glad you like our pretty wares.
    The boots are just from General Pants Co.
    Have a lovely weekend!


Leave us your thoughts and we'll get back to you as soon as we can ♥


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