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August 23, 2010

It's been a very busy week.

Ah we have not blogged in 9 days, that is just blasphemous! We have so much to write and yet we are lost for words right now. Things have been busy busy busy at S+S HQ. We have been sewing like mad in anticipation of the COFA Awfully Nice Market (if you haven't got the details head to here or here).  We are excited to have loads of pretty new fabrics in lots of your favourite (and previously sold out) styles and for some particular pieces of Drop 1, it will be the last time you will be able to purchase them. It will also be the first weekend of Spring - HOORAY! We are crossing all of our fingers, toes and other appendages that the weather is just as lovely as it has been all this week, full of sunshine and balmy days. 

Now, not only have we been sewing busily for the market but we have also been getting all crafty and what not and designing for our much anticipated swimwear drop of Chalk + Cheese, which will be out late September. We are very excited about this aspect of the range. We started life as a small swimwear label, creating pretty and peculiar bathers is something we are truly passionate about and well there has been a little bit of 'outside' buzz surrounding this drop of the range so that just makes us more giddy and eager to please. We have got big plans for these pieces, so stay tuned!

Thats all for today, just an update on the goings on and the ongoings.
Hope we didn't bore you.
And we promise to write again soon.
Au revoir pretties.

Image courtesy of Ink and Light via Etsy.

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